// 数组的解构赋值// const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];// let [a, b, c, d] = arr;// ------------------------------------------// 更复杂的匹配规则// const arr = ['a', 'b', ['c', 'd', ['e', 'f', 'g']]];// const [ , b] = arr;// const [ , , g] = ['e', 'f', 'g']// const [ , , [ , , g]] = ['c', 'd', ['e', 'f', 'g']];// const [ , , [ , , [ , , g]]] = arr;// ------------------------------------------// 扩展运算符 ...// const arr1 = [1, 2, 3];// const arr2 = ['a', 'b'];// const arr3 = ['zz', 1];// const arr4 = [...arr1, ...arr2, ...arr3];// const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];// const [a, b, ...c] = arr;// ------------------------------------------// 默认值// const arr = [1, null, undefined];// const [a, b = 2, c, d = 'aaa'] = arr;// ------------------------------------------// 交换变量// let a = 20;// let b = 10;// let temp;// temp = a;// a = b;// b = temp;// [a, b] = [b, a];// ------------------------------------------// 接收多个 函数返回值// function getUserInfo(id) {// // .. ajax// return [// true,// {// name: '小明',// gender: '女',// id: id// },// '请求成功'// ];// };// const [status, data, msg] = getUserInfo(123);
// 对象的解构赋值// const obj = {// saber: '阿尔托利亚',// archer: '卫宫'// };// const { saber, archer1 } = obj;// ------------------------------------------// 稍微复杂的解构条件// const player = {// nickname: '感情的戏∫我没演技∆',// master: '东海龙王',// skill: [{// skillName: '龙吟',// mp: '100',// time: 6000// },{// skillName: '龙卷雨击',// mp: '400',// time: 3000// },{// skillName: '龙腾',// mp: '900',// time: 60000// }]// };// const { nickname } = player;// const { master } = player;// const { skill: [ skill1, { skillName }, { skillName: sklName } ] } = player;// const { skill } = player;// const [ skill1 ] = skill;// ------------------------------------------// 结合扩展运算符// const obj = {// saber: '阿尔托利亚',// archer: '卫宫',// lancer: '瑟坦达'// };// const { saber, ...oth } = obj;// const obj1 = {// archer: '卫宫',// lancer: '瑟坦达'// }// const obj = {// saber: '阿尔托利亚',// ...obj1,// };// ------------------------------------------// 如何对已经申明了的变量进行对象的解构赋值// let age;// const obj = {// name: '小明',// age: 22// };// ({ age } = obj);// ------------------------------------------// 默认值// let girlfriend = {// name: '小红',// age: undefined,// };// let { name, age = 24, hobby = ['学习'] } = girlfriend;// ------------------------------------------// ------------------------------------------// 提取对象属性// const { name, hobby: [ hobby1 ], hobby } = {// name: '小红',// hobby: ['学习']// };// ------------------------------------------// 使用对象传入乱序的函数参数// function AJAX({// url,// data,// type = 'get'// }) {// // var type = option.type || 'get';// // console.log(option);// console.log(type);// };// AJAX({// data: {// a: 1// },// url: '/getinfo',// });// ------------------------------------------// 获取多个 函数返回值// function getUserInfo(uid) {// // ...ajax// return {// status: true,// data: {// name: '小红'// },// msg: '请求成功'// };// };// const { status, data, msg: message } = getUserInfo(123);// ------------------------------------------
// 字符串的结构赋值const str = 'I am the bone of my sword'; // 我是剑骨头// const [ a, b ,c, ...oth ] = str;// const [ ...spStr1 ] = str;// const spStr2 = str.split('');// const spStr3 = [ ...str ];// ------------------------------------------// 提取属性// const { length, split } = str;
// 数值与布尔值的解构赋值const { valueOf: vo } = 1;const { toString: ts } = false;
// 函数参数的解构赋值// function swap([x, y]) {// return [y, x];// };// let arr = [1, 2];// arr = swap(arr);function Computer({ cpu, memory, software = ['ie6'], OS = 'windows 3.5'}) { console.log(cpu); console.log(memory); console.log(software); console.log(OS);};new Computer({ memory: '128G', cpu: '80286', OS: 'windows 10'});